One Kid. One Day. Just $268.
439 youth will walk through the doors of Mobile Hope this year. With your support, they will get a warm shower, hot meals, rides, clean clothes—a hotel bed and a pillow to lay their head, basic needs, and an opportunity to move beyond survival mode and build a more stable tomorrow.
Our promise to you: we will keep you updated on the impact we make with your gift. We will share stories of their journey to self-sufficiency and empowerment; the ups and downs, the successes and failures. We will hug each of them when they are sad and scared. We will cheer them on and help them stand up again when they fall. We will serve them without excessive red-tape and bureaucracy. We will do the hard work of "tough love" when needed. We will teach them and guide them.
Thank you on behalf of our staff, our Board of Directors, and the kids we serve for sharing our belief that this entire generation of youth is filled with promise.
**Washingtonian named Mobile Hope "One of 20 DC-Area Charities Where Your Donation Will Make an Impact**
**4-Star Charity, 100% on Charity Navigator**
**Candid Gold Seal of Transparency on Guidestar**
Impact Story of the Week
One Kid. One Day.
Thank you for your support, whether you sponsored a kid through our One Kid, One Day campaign, shared our message, or are simply reading this impact story. Two of our sponsored “kids” are benefitting from your generosity already. Friday, a young couple, ages 19 and 20, who had been sleeping in a broken down car, walked through our doors.
The nineteen-year old is pregnant, due late this year. Her boyfriend is enrolled at a local university studying business administration but lost his off-campus housing. She was working as a waitress, but lost her job when they became homeless.
They made it to Mobile Hope, ready and willing to make the changes needed to provide a safe home for their new baby.
Donna Fortier, our CEO and founder, sat with them in our humble case management office. Amidst donated suitcases, stacks of new socks and underwear, shoes in all sizes, and work uniforms waiting to be worn. She listened. Their feelings were raw…sadness, fear—disappointment with themselves and others. You could hear the shame in their voice and see it in every movement.
Then, Donna talked, and they listened. She set up emergency shelter, transportation, a prenatal appointment, and sat with them as they called the local shelters. No beds available, again. They should get a call back in a couple of weeks.
But for the weekend, they could count on a good night sleep, clean clothes, meals and snacks, and a fresh start. They had a chance to leave survival mode behind and make a plan to build a stable life for their baby on the way. Tomorrow, they would come back to Mobile Hope at 9am and work with mentors and case managers to start the difficult work of building a more stable tomorrow.
A message from one of them to our sponsors:
"Thanks for reminding me that I matter."
Sponsor one kid, for one day. Change a life for just $268. We need your help today.